Join our syndicate and invest with us

Build a diversified and balanced portfolio of venture capital investments guided by the expertise of market professionals.
The investment horizon is 3-5 years with an expected return 2x to 3x.
Transparent analytics on every deal, provided by the syndicate team. Legal consolidation of agreements ensures every deal is securely formalized.
Projects are carefully selected by the syndicate's founders who invest their own money in every deal.

Our potential investor is likely someone who

Has available funds and is interested in multiplying them over a 3-5 year period.A partner who values the diversification of their investment portfolio.
Is ready to invest up to 10-20-30% of their capital in rapidly growing global startups.
Has realistic expectations of investment and understands the risks of venture.
Wants to learn the process of investing in IT and make informed, independent decisions.
Wants to create their own portfolio of 5-10-50 investments.
Has a clear pro-Ukrainian position and is eager to cooperate with other investors and startups toward a common goal: proposing companies for investment and strengthening the syndicate.

We understand and emphasize that venture investments carry significant risks:

Limited liquidity for 3-5 years;
Limited influence on company management;
Start-ups may go bankrupt.

"With 25 years of experience in Silicon Valley, hundreds of deals, dozens of successful exits, and hundreds of millions of dollars invested, our team’s extensive track record and the strong reputation of all our fund partners are among our most valuable assets. We leverage these strengths to create exceptional value for our investors"

Ihor Shoifot
General partner and co-founder of Toloka

Deal Arrangement Process

The syndicate brings the expertise needed to arrange deals more efficiently than individual private investors. By the time an offer reaches our partners, extensive work has already been completed, including: finding promising startups, collaborating with founders for pitches, analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs), and evaluating risks.

General Partners' Deal Sourcing

General Partners (GPs) leverage their extensive networks and expertise to identify the best investment opportunities for you. We continuously search for deals globally and actively maintain relationships within the investment community to ensure we bring you top opportunities.

Investment Analysis

We evaluate start-ups based on specific criteria and use our expertise to conduct thorough and high-quality analyses. On average, we review around 100 companies to identify the one that best meets your investment needs.

Alignment with Investors

Each proposed company will receive between $250K and $1.5M in investment. To gain entry into high-quality companies, it is crucial to maintain a consistent flow of capital and invest regularly.

Agreement Management

We meticulously administer and facilitate the investment process through a continuous series of administrative tasks essential for effective investments. This includes conducting due diligence, drafting term sheets, preparing legal agreements, setting up Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs), and managing the collection and transfer of funds in compliance with investment regulations in developed countries. We also handle the administration of investment exits.

Investor Participation in the Deal

We cultivate relationships with our partners to ensure they receive comprehensive information about each deal in a clear and understandable format. This approach enables our investors to make informed decisions quickly and with confidence.

Short list

Investors receive updates via the syndicate's Telegram chat, including memos and pitches from general partners and founders for each company.

Making a Decision

A separate chat is created for each company, where the analysis and discussion stages take place. This allows each investor to ask questions and engage in discussions about the company.

Execution of the Agreement

Each investor decides independently on their level of participation and investment amount. The minimum investment is $5,000; however, investors are welcome to contribute a larger amount if desired.

Signing a Contract with a Startup

The syndicate raises funds and manages investments by establishing a separate legal entity (SPV) in the U.S. or the jurisdiction where the startup is registered for each deal.

The Final Part: Exiting the Investment

The typical exit horizon for an investment is 3-5 years, with anticipated returns of 2x to 3x. Exits are achieved through the sale of shares to subsequent investors, strategic buyers, or initial public offerings (IPOs).

Operating Model and Rates

The arrangement of each project ensures transparency for investors, protection of all participants' rights, and legal consolidation of agreements.

One-Time Transaction Fees

The total cost for entry and creation of the SPV structure ranges from 4.5% to 8.5% of the one-time investment amount.

Waiting Period

The investment horizon typically ranges from 3 to 5 years, with an expected growth of 2x to 3x. However, earlier exits are also possible

Syndicate Commission

TOLOKA LLC earns a 20% commission on investors' profits if the profitability of a specific deal exceeds 10% of the invested funds.

Transparency and Legal Support

Investments are made by transferring the investor’s funds to the SPV company’s account using one of the syndicate’s services

"Our task is to minimize the risks of investors. That is why we enter startups at the stages when their product is already working and making a profit, when we see that the company has already demonstrated growth for at least 6 months or more. Of course, we support Ukrainian startups even if they are registered in other jurisdictions - we prioritize them. We also prioritize funding startups that improve people's lives and our planet."

Taras Kyrychenko
General partner and co-founder of Toloka


If you still have questions, you can always contact us, and we will be happy to answer them.
How investment is actually happen?
Investments are made by transferring the investor's money to the account of the SPV company. A new company is created for each new deal using one of the syndicate services (eg
How syndicate communicates to investors?
All investors are added to the channel, where news and companies proposed for investment are published. If the investor wants to join the deal, he is added to a separate chat for the deal. In the channel and chat, investors receive all instructions and informational support from the syndicate team.
If I want to withdraw money earlier than 3-5 years?
Investing in startups provides limited liquidity for 3-5 years. This means that you can exit early only by selling your share to a member of the syndicate by actual market price for the moment
What guarantees are provided to investors?
Investing in startups is risky enough. Investors are protected by the laws of the country in whose jurisdiction the startup and SPV are located. But in fact, the biggest guarantee is the selection of a startup and its high-quality monitoring by the fund team, which allows for a high probability of a profitable exit in the future.
What is the legal structure of the syndicate?
Toloka LLC is a company registered in the US jurisdiction, the state of Delaware. This company carries out administrative processes through the creation of SPVs for each deal, profit sharing, deal making, startup selection, investment analysis, working with investors, administration, and other operational functions.
What is the minimum amount of investment that can be made?
Each investor independently decides on participation in investing and the size of the investment. The minimum investment amount is $5,000.
What taxes should an investor pay on investment income?
Each investor who participates in syndicate agreements must pay taxes in the country of which he will be a tax resident at the time of receipt of investment income (this may not always coincide with citizenship). According to the tax legislation in force in Ukraine as of the beginning of 2024, at the end of the year in which the investor will receive income from investments, he must fill out a tax return and pay personal income tax at the rate of 18% and military levy at the rate of 1.5 %. Please consult professional tax advisors for more detailed information regarding the laws in your country of residence.
How does a syndicate work and how does it differ from a fund?

The main differences in the work of the syndicate are as follows:

  1. The Syndicate, unlike the fund, does not collect investors' money, but offers Syndicate participants to join deals where founding partners invest their own money;
  2. The syndicate investor chooses exactly which deal to join and for what amount (from USD 5000), while the fund makes these decisions internally, and the investor usually has no influence on where his money is invested;
  3. Funds typically have a higher entry threshold and invest larger checks, often having more leverage over the startups they invest in;
  4. Therefore, in syndicates, investors have the opportunity to understand the details of each deal in more detail and receive reports on each company, while funds in most cases make generalized reports;
  5. Usually, the costs of investing through the TOLOKA.VC syndicate are lower than when investing through funds, because the investor does not pay annual fees for money management, but pays a reasonable initial amount that covers the costs of making the investment;
  6. So, syndicates are generally chosen by people who want to understand and make their own decisions about their investments and want to access startups with relatively small amounts of money, to do it cost-effectively.
How does communication with investors take place?
All investors are added to the channel in the messenger, where news and proposed deals (projects) for investment are published. If an investor wants to join a deal, he is added to a separate chat for that deal. In the channel and chat, investors receive all instructions and informational support from the syndicate team. When joining the syndicate, all investors sign a non-disclosure agreement in order to have access to information that may contain commercial secrets of startups.
What should be done to join the investment in business startups together with the syndicate?

In order to create your diversified and balanced portfolio of venture investments together with the Toloka team, you need:

  1. Fill out the investor's application;
  2. Sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), which will be sent by email;
  3. Join the Toloka channels in messengers, where all news and investment offers are published (an invitation will be sent after filling out the application);
  4. After posting information about the new agreement in the general Toloka channel, follow the link to the project chat - to receive detailed information about the project (investment memorandum, presentation, financial calculations, etc.) and discussion;
  5. Use the links to join Zoom meetings with general partners and founders of startups - for a more detailed discussion of the conditions and possibilities of investing in a startup;
  6. Fill out the client collection form - submit an application indicating the amount of investment in the project (it will be possible to increase or decrease upon prior warning of the Toloka team);
  7. After the announcement in the chat about the start of fundraising, carry out registration (onboarding) through a special service (platform), where an SPV is created for the accumulation of investors' funds (after the funds are accumulated, the service (platform) will make a transfer to the startup);
  8. Transfer funds to the SPV account, support the payment with settlement documents;
  9. Receive confirmation from the Toloka team about the receipt of funds to the account;
  10. Follow the news about the closing of the deal and the development of the startup.

Please contact us

If you have additional questions, please contact Toloka specialists


Feel free to ask any questions


Welcome to calls Mon-Fri from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m (EEST)
+380 (50) 315-09-17
Anna Bilyk
Operations Director of TOLOKA